The Power of Self-Indulgence

Bayard & Holmes ~ Piper Bayard Nicotine patches are flying off the shelves and personal trainers are working overtime as every gym across the nation fills with the January Resolutioners. image from US Air Force, wikimedia commons The Resolutioners are easy to...

The Power of Indulgence

By Piper Bayard Nicotine patches are flying off the shelves and personal trainers are working overtime. And every gym across the nation is filled with the January Resolutioners. image from US Air Force, wikimedia commons The Resolutioners are easy to spot, and the gym...
Having Fun in Bed

Having Fun in Bed

By Piper Bayard I always say the only thing worse than working out is not being able to, and that’s why I go to the gym. Even when we’re doing our best, though, those inevitable illnesses and injuries come along that keep us semi-bedridden for a while. I’m currently...

Breaking Badly

By Piper Bayard & Jay Holmes Breaking Bad—five seasons of weekly opportunities for the average, law-abiding citizen to ride in the fast lane with chemistry teacher/family man/meth dealer Walter White has finally come to an end. The Albuquerque Journal even ran...