Pilgrim on a Lonely Journey

Pilgrim on a Lonely Journey

Bayard & Holmes~ Piper Bayard This is the week of the mass American pilgrimage. Thanksgiving, more than any other holiday, is the day we Americans travel home. It is the one holiday we all share, no matter what our religion. The day when we gather as families.Some...
Why Remembering Matters

Why Remembering Matters

By Piper Bayard America is not a location. America is an ideal. It is the dream of a country where the government answers to the people, and not the other way around. Because America is an ideal, Americans are not born. Rather, America, itself, is born anew with each...

The Happy Man Manual — Valentine’s Day

By Piper BayardGuys get the short end of the stick on Valentine’s Day. It’s a day that’s geared toward women. Make her happy, win her heart, pop that question. Buy her roses, get her chocolates, give her a massage, say things to make her swoon. Everywhere men look,...

Anything is Possible, and This Kid Proves It

By Piper Bayard and Jay Holmes Almost every religion celebrates holy days around the time of the spring equinox. Jews are celebrating Passover this week, Christians are celebrating Easter today, and Wiccans had their Ostara festival on the equinox, to name only a few....