Real News Mashup, January 24, 2019

Real News Mashup, January 24, 2019

Bayard & Holmes~ Piper BayardReal News Mashup is a compilation of articles that I consider to be interesting, informative, or both. Please feel free to share non-political articles of your own in the comments. Perhaps if we work together, we can combat the...

Syria and the Fading Dull Pink Smudge

By Jay Holmes As of September 22, 2013, the civil war in Syria continues to generate more humanitarian disasters than the world’s observers can tolerate. Identifying Syria as a humanitarian crisis is simple enough. Refugee camps in Jordan and Turkey now house...

Why PRISM Matters

By Piper Bayard I could list the civil liberties we have lost since 9/11, from security against unreasonable search and seizure to the officially sanctioned vilification of those who exercise their right to bear arms, but that would be a dissertation and not a blog....