What we do while we're plotting ... Books. Yeah. That's it. Books.

We met up in the Rockies to plot the next book of our Apex Predator series, due out in late 2020. This is the back of Long’s Peak as seen from the Peak to Peak Highway.
Image by Piper.

We stopped into the beautiful St. Catherine’s church on the Peak to Peak Highway.
Image by Piper.

Holmes in Rocky Mountain National Park during our Spring 2019 plotting session.
Image by Piper.

Piper with our good friend James Rollins when he came through town on his book tour.
Image by Piper’s hubby.

Holmes’s pic of Piper while she’s recording the rise of the first full moon of Spring 2019.

Holmes with Piper’s son enjoying the motion at the end of the dock. How tall is Piper’s son? Let’s just say Holmes is not short.
Image by Piper.

Piper playing Dirty Harriet with Holmes’s .44 magnum.
Image by Jay Holmes

Actual picture of Holmes shooting.
We’d point out our target, but most people would think we were lying. Let’s just say Holmes is a good shot.
Image by Piper.

Holmes is a devoted gardener whose cactuses take over his home each winter when he brings them in. His Christmas cactuses share the love.

Nothing quite like a book release!

Signing our first paperbacks of SPYCRAFT: Essentials. Holmes is quite the gardener, and he grows the roses for his wife.
Note the stickie over Piper’s computer camera. We highly recommend you do the same.

We are in a perpetual quest for the world’s best chocolate cake recipe. This was our latest attempt, cashew brownie cake from the Death By Chocolate cookbook. If you have a favorite chocolate cake recipe, please send it to us at
Image by Piper Bayard

Our favorite bit of North Korean memorabilia found in a local store.
Yes. This is real. We have it on good authority that these were included in the participant goodie bags at the Summit of June, 2018 . . . Okay. We made that up. But they are real, and they should have been included.

We enjoy Spanish guinda on special occasions. Guinda is a liquor made from cherries and Spanish aguardiente. We’re trying our hand at brewing our own at the moment. We’ll let you know how it turns out.

Our first novella, The Spy Bride, was published in the Risky Brides Bestsellers Collection. The collection enjoyed much success in the Romance genre.
Me: “Hey, Holmes. You’re a bestselling romance author.”
Holmes: “Now THAT was predictable.”

Shooting in the open land is one of our favorite pastimes.
Actual picture of Jay Holmes.
Image by Piper Bayard

Another favorite pastime is throwing stones into rivers.
Image by Holmes.

We often meet up in remote places and drive where the road takes us. This was one of those days. We didn’t shoot this sign, but it made us laugh. it says, “Mobility impaired persons have priority use of this shelter.” We’re thinking they need a different shelter.

Holmes and Piper in the yard after a morning of skipping stones at a nearby river.
Holmes is wearing a jalabiya gifted to him by a Moroccan hill tribe.
Image by Piper’s Husband

Holmes’s all-time favorite Christmas present from Piper and her family. He’s a private person, to say the least.
Image by Piper Bayard

Piper with Bayard & Holmes attorney and fellow author Susan Spann.
Image by Piper’s Daughter

Piper with good friends and fellow authors Jenny Hansen, Donna Collins, Ingrid Schaffenburg, and Kristen Lamb at the 2012 DFW Writers Conference.
Image Piper Bayard’s

Piper belly dancing with a group on the sidelines of a 10k run. She still dances and drums for herself and her friends.
Image Piper Bayard’s

Piper with good friends and fellow authors James Rollins and Janet Fogg at Jim’s book signing.
The glowing thing in Piper’s hand is a chunk of amber Jim got in Europe. It’s sitting on a lit disk.
Image Piper Bayard’s