Prodigal Hope

We’ve all felt it. The intense gravity of Life’s long, cold winters. The incessant pull of one bad break after another that obliterates the very memory of easy laughter. Awareness condenses to a pinpoint where tomorrows are as meaningless as...

Top Ten Ways to Keep a Retired Pontiff Busy

By Piper Bayard and Kristen Lamb As a general rule, popes don’t change jobs except by dying. On the rare occasion that they do retire, they tend to be trouble makers, either wanting their old jobs back or exercising their Back Seat Pope’s License. Benedict XVI...

Parkour Right There

By Piper Bayard Parkour rocks. Maybe because it’s magic to those of us with bad knees or fear of heights. Maybe it’s because the guys in the parkour movies are ripped and don’t wear their shirts too often. But it’s probably because it takes amazing athleticism....

2012 Man of the Year

By Piper Bayard Once in a while, amidst all the news of terror, tragedies, lies, and deceit, someone comes along who makes the world stop and have a moment of collective fun. This year, I thank Psy and Gangnam Style for that moment and for his video that got the whole...

Hospice: Telling People I See Their Butts

By Piper Bayard Someone recently asked me what I do as a Hospice volunteer, and I told her that basically, it’s my job to tell people I see their butts. Hospice is a service dedicated to providing people with the most comfortable death possible. We tend to...

Fun Stuff We Found on Pearl Street

By Piper Bayard Last week, I had the pleasure of a visit with historical fiction author and publishing attorney Susan Spann. So what did we do? Well, we went shooting, of course, but we also made a stop at Boulder, Colorado’s home of the funky and eccentric. We...