By Piper Bayard and Jay Holmes
Almost every religion celebrates holy days around the time of the spring equinox. Jews are celebrating Passover this week, Christians are celebrating Easter today, and Wiccans had their Ostara festival on the equinox, to name only a few.
Piper’s religion, Baseball, also celebrates a holy day this time of year. It’s called Opening Day. It’s the day when all adherents are united in the intensity created by the fresh awareness that no matter how old we are, Life holds stories that are yet to be written.
Regardless of the rituals or the beliefs, this unquenchable Hope is the thing religions share in common at this time of year. Some call it Salvation. Some call it Renewal. Some simply call it Spring. But for all of us, it is the call to our souls that reminds us that anything is possible. Even miracles.
South Korean child music prodigy Seongha Jeong is a living example that anything is possible. Seongha was born September 2, 1996, and in the video below, he is 10 years old. He is playing Piper’s favorite classical song, Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring.
Blessed Passover; Blessed Ostara; Happy Easter; Joyous Spring. And as for Opening Day, may the odds be ever in the Yankees’ favor. 🙂
All the best to all of you for endless possibilities.
Nice video clip. How do you feel about Pachelbell’s cannon?
LOVE it! Tough call between the two.
Love the post! Happy Easter Piper 🙂
Happy Easter, Ingrid. 🙂
Happy Easter Piper–and Play Ball!!!
And a joyous Spring to you, Piper! Over here in the Los Angeles area, I am pleased that I can root for the Angels (so not a Dodgers fan at the moment). See you out in the left field bleachers!
I’ll look for you, Christine. 🙂
Happy Easter Piper and Holmes. Right now I am worshiping at the services held at Citi Field, on television. Switch to services being held in Detroit. The phrase “Hope springs eternal” had a day like this in mind.
One of my fav pieces of music to sing/play (toss up which is best–love the cello continuo part).
My favourite too. Thanks for this! Hope the Yankees have a fine year but word is it is finally the Blue Jays turn!
Baseball was like religion in my house too. 🙂
Well, I’m down here in the southern hemisphere, so i can’t wish you a happy spring! The leaves will soon turn red and yellow, which makes for some nice photographs. I can plant some plants and know they won’t die in the next 3 months. So happy Autumn when it gets to you. 🙂
Happy Autumn to you, too, Richard. It sounds beautiful down there! Thanks for stopping by. 🙂