Apparently, some passengers were nervous because a man was wearing a t-shirt similar to this one on a Quantas flight.

Inigo Montoya t-shirt

As a fun refresher, here is the scene from The Princess Bride starring Mandy Patinkin as Inigo Montoya.

I vote this move on Quantas as the All-Time Biggest Pop Culture Fail.

My thanks to Author Angela Quarles for pointing me to this article.

Blogs and Articles in No Particular Order

An internet scandal! And yours truly had a front row seat. About a year ago, a person named Terrell Mims was caught red-handed stealing blogs from and other places and printing them verbatim as his own. This week, he tried it again under a new name. Kristen Lamb has the story. Plagiarism and Terrell Mims–A Chronic Case of EPIC Stupid

My former Constitutional Law professor, Richard B. Collins, pointed me to this article this week as an example of how the Hands in Washington are washing each other to our detriment. Fiscal Footnote: Big Senate Gift to Drug Maker

A couple of things to restore our faith in humanity after that. . . .

Tennessee Homecoming King Nominees Give Crown to Another Teen

Waiter Who Refused Service to Customer Becomes Web Hero

Guiding Angel, Tiffany & Co., c. 1890, wikimedia commons

Guiding Angel, Tiffany & Col, c. 1890, wikimedia commons

A visual treat from historical mystery writer K.B. Owen. Art Nouveau as Inspiration

Bad Bible Stories: When Good Girls are Whores by Author Ellie Ann. If she ever gets tired of writing, she really has a way with recounting a tale.

Jenny Hansen asks, Are Your Spammers Trying to have Sex with You Too?

Stacy Green’s INTO THE DARK Guest Post and Giveaway. A chance to win your copy of her mystery/suspense book, which I am told is awesome.

Into the Dark by Stacy Green

Some say that standardized tests have destroyed our school system, creating conflicts of interest for teachers who will lose their jobs if students don’t perform. Some teachers have had enough. Standardized Text Backlash: Some Seattle Teachers Just Say ‘No’

Looking for a great detective novel? Catie Rhodes can recommend a few. My Favorite Female Sleuth

Have some words are phrases you’re sick of hearing? Julie Glover does. Banish these Words and Phrases!

One of my all time favorite videos, Jane Austen’s Fight Club. It comes and goes from the internet so catch it while you can.