A town in Japan received a replica of Michelangelo’s David as a gift. Many found the statue to be immodest and demanded underwear.
image by David Gaya, wikimedia commons
Read the story here. Japan Town Demands Underwear for Michelangelo’s David
I had no idea John Ashcroft had moved to Japan.
Blogs and Articles in No Particular Order
I’m excited to tell you about WANA International’s first online writing conference – WANACon! With best selling author Kristen Lamb at the helm, this is sure to be an outstanding learning experience for authors. New York Times Best Selling Author Allison Brennan and Aaron Patterson, #1 Amazon Best Seller and General Manager of Stonehouse Ink Publishing are only two of the teachers presenting classes during the event, which will be February 22 – 23. Kristen gives us the details at her blog. And Now for Something Completely Different! Redefining the Writing Conference
I always enjoy seeing two of my favorite bloggers in the same place. This time, it’s Jess Witkins and Julie Glover. Guilty Pleasures Friday – Embarrassing My Kids
Lena Corazon directed me to The Association for Renaissance Martial Arts and an interesting article, What Did Historical Swords Weigh?
Ellie Ann pointed me toward some amazing horses. Picturing Horses
A Knight at the Crossroads by Viktor M. Vasnetsov, US public domain
Blurb EtiquetteΒ Some excellent advice from author Mike Duran.
Beyonce created quite a stir with her costume that was almost there at the Superbowl halftime show. Elizabeth Duffy wrote and excellent commentary on the kerfuffle. Sex, Shame, and the Superbowl
Sometimes those old relatives wander off to the strangest places. Via Judith Houlding of Space Editing, LLC. Bones Under Parking Lot Belonged to Richard III
Second Graders Spell-Check NFL Players’ Tweets
A precious moment captured. Via Xandra James we have Baby Wolf Learns to Howl.
All the best to all of you for a week of knowing your art.
Piper Bayard–The Pale Writer of the Apocalypse
David’s got rock-hard abs and 0% body fat. I’d run around naked, too!
LOL. You and me, both.
Thanks for the shout out Piper!
I’m glad someone wrote about Beyonce because I was less than impressed with the halftime show this year.
Seems to be a tired theme, which is too bad because Beyonce hardly needs to fall back on base displays to be entertaining.
Piper let’s not head back to the bad old days when the put skirts on piano limbs to cover them and prevent any impure thoughts.
Agreed!It’s just wrong to have impure thoughts about pianos. π
Thanks so much, Piper!
I loved that article about sexuality and the Super Bowl. I’d like to see more musically-focused bands performing for a show that families all over watch. Not to mention that Beyonce spent way more time gyrating her pelvis that treating us to the sound of her beautiful voice.
So in summary: Naked Michelangelo = not too sexy. Beyonce = too sexy.
LOL. Great summary. Glad I missed the show. π
Where does one find underwear for a 14ft statue in Japan?
Seriously. Perhaps they will ask to borrow a bit of the Statue of Liberty’s wrappings.
Don’t mess with her. She’s a weaping angel and she will send your ass back in time. #doctorWho
I hope nobody from this Japanese town goes to Rarotonga. The statues there are very similar in concept only, shall we say, a lot more heroic. (And that’s AFTER the missionaries got to them.)
Oh, my! π