Now, there’s a First World Problem for you. “I need armor for my guinea pig!”

Meet Lucky. Lucky passed away, and his pet human put his suit of armor up for sale on ebay on behalf of a Virginia non-profit, Metropolitan Guinea Pig Rescue. The bidding at the time of publication had reached $24,300, with 156 bidders throwing their names in the pot. Deepest condolences to Lucky’s pet human. This little guy seems like he was a really cool companion.

Lucky, ready for the Renaissance Fair image from ebay

Lucky, ready for the Renaissance Fair
image from ebay


Peace in Relationship and Dystopia. KM Huber discusses the nature of relationship and gives her take on my debut dystopian thriller, FIRELANDS.

Important information from KB Owen. Staying Safe This Summer: Know the REAL Signs of Drowning

The Farm Five K by Callene Rapp–what a real 5k challenge would look like.

Congratulations to Paige Kellerman, who appeared in an interview on FOX 4 in Kansas City! How To Almost Not Be On TV. Paige is the 21st Century Erma Bombeck. Check out her hysterical debut, At Least My Belly Hides My Cankles, available at Amazon and Barnes and Noble.

At Least My Belly Hides My Cankles

Majority of Americans Don’t Trust Newspapers and Television News. Apparently, only 23% of us still trust what the news corporations tell us. One question comes to mind . . . There are seriously still 23%?

In case you missed it, the damning evidence about how the government is using our taxes to illegally spy on us keeps rolling out. Now, The Guardian has released two documents signed by Eric Holder — the guy who says no one is spying on Americans — that say it’s okay to use PRISM to spy on Americans. Apparently, he missed the class in law school about how it’s not legal just because we say it is. Revealed: The Top Secret Rules that Allow NSA to use US Data Without a Warrant

Via Melissa Coggins Borgioli

Via Melissa Coggins Borgioli

And since it’s not bad enough that the NSA is using our own money to spy on us, they’re outright stealing from us, too! How NSA Spooks Spaffed my Dad’s Data All Over the Web. Apparently, NSA’s logo for PRISM is not original artwork.

The ever clever Julie Davidoski of Go Jules Go — one of my all time favorite bloggers — asks, Who Wants to Be a Studio Audience Member? I always wondered about that.

New York Times Best Selling Author and Heckuva Guy James Rollins releases his next Sigma Force novel, The Eye of God, this Tuesday, June 25! Pre-order at Amazon, The Eye of God.

The Eye of God James Rollins

Thoughtful observations from August McLaughlin. Lessons Learned from My Blonde Joke-Free Year

Would that we were all so blessed. Ron and Eileen Everest were born in the same maternity ward, were “married” at age four at the carnival, married for real at age 21, and have just gone platinum. Ron and Eileen Everest Married 70 Years

Married at age four still together

Just in time for summer! Some delicious smoothie recipes from Kenzie Dodd at Jillian Dodd’s site, All That Glitters. Smoothies

Packaging matters. Nigel Blackwell’s take on the new look of the iOS7. Crap Packaging and iOS7 I’m currently enjoying Nigel’s debut novel, Paris Love Match, about an unlikely couple who must survive a brush with the mob. Not at all what one would expect from an engineer.


Tactical Bacon

Enter Now! FIRELANDS Apocalypse Reader/Blogger Challenge!

You, too, could be the proud owner of this can of Tactical Bacon, along with the Swedish Fireknife, a hand made stuffed Grumpy Cat, an Eddie Bauer Go Bag, and other necessities for surviving the apocalypse. Enter now by signing up for the Bayard & Holmes Newsletter or go to FIRELANDS Apocalypse Reader/Blogger Challenge for more details. FIRELANDS is available for purchase at Amazon in Paperback and on Kindle and in e-book at Barnes & Noble, Kobo, and iTunes for iPad and mobile devices.

In honor of Lucky, who clearly tolerated a great deal from his adoring pet human, today’s video is of some amazing animal escapes. RIP Lucky.

Campaign Style Poll Daddy Question of the Week:

All the best to all of you for the right outfit when you need it.

Piper Bayard