Epic Battles: Bacon Vs. Grumpy Cat

By Piper Bayard The two most popular social media memes are Bacon and Grumpy Cat, but as Highlander fans can tell you, “There can be only one!” The time has come to decide, and the showdown is right here and now. Who will rule the Cyberverse, Bacon or...

Currency of the Apocalypse–Watcha Got?

By Piper Bayard The apocalypse has come. How are you going to pay for it? Your money is now worth nothing. Even your gold is indigestible. So what’s going to be the new medium of exchange? Let’s start with the obvious. Spam and Twinkies. Food is going to be in short...

Supervolcano Apocalypse Fashion

By Piper Bayard As humans, we seem, by and large, to have this idea that when we arrived, the planet, itself, arrived. Each generation has the notion that we are the final destination of both creation and evolution that will, somehow, some way, survive any apocalyptic...

Bayard & Holmes Youth Achievement Cyber-Hug 2013

By Jay Holmes In order to give my tired brain a break from the often painful world of foreign policy, I did some recreational reading today. The vacation from our world’s wars and genocides did me good. I found some great information about a couple of young people who...