Washington’s Warning for America

Washington’s Warning for America

Bayard & Holmes By Piper Bayard   Many Civil War historians say that partisanship in America is more heated than it has been since 1860. We are regularly smacked in the face by evidence that both major political parties put their own special interests above...

What Does Independence Mean to America?

Bayard & Holmes ~ Piper Bayard Independent:  Not subject to another’s authority or jurisdiction; autonomous. (Dictionary.com)     Independence Day, July 4th, is the anniversary of the day when Americans declared that we would no longer depend on...
Why Remembering Matters

Why Remembering Matters

By Piper Bayard America is not a location. America is an ideal. It is the dream of a country where the government answers to the people, and not the other way around. Because America is an ideal, Americans are not born. Rather, America, itself, is born anew with each...

Where Were You?

image from US Navy I woke up to hear a voice on the radio saying that two planes had crashed into the twin towers. I knew instantly it was no accident, but I had no way to compute the information with my pre-9/11 mindset. Then I turned on the TV, and I knew our world...